Letters and Statements Archive

This page contains messages the president issued prior to 2017. To see more recent messages, visit this page.

Roadmap to Our New Century: Preparing to Implement

November 28, 2016

Over the course of the last year, we have developed together the Roadmap to Our New Century, an ambitious plan to realize our aspirations by the time of the University's centennial. Through conversations, town halls, letters, email messages, and meetings, students, faculty, and staff have helped craft a series of initiatives to chart a bold future for our institution.  Read More >

A Message from President Frenk on the Election

November 11, 2016

Today, as we commemorate Veteran's Day and the sacrifices made by the brave women and men defending this nation, we also recognize that the right of people to determine their future through elected leaders is a hallmark of democracy. On Tuesday, 130 million citizens went to the polls, deciding ballot measures and electing governors, members of Congress, and the 45th U.S. president.  Read More >

2016 UM Engagement Survey

October 20, 2016

You are at the core of the University of Miami's success. Your hard work, expertise, and dedication help make a life-changing difference to our students, patients, and the community. More importantly, you are also committed to continuous improvement to ensure we excel in our mission of transforming lives through teaching, research, and service.  Read More >

Celebrating 90 Years of Opening the Doors to Education

October 18, 2016

Ninety years ago today, just 30 days after the Great Miami Hurricane, our university opened its doors for the very first time, enrolling its first class of 646 full-time students.  Read More >

Hurricane Matthew Response and Relief Efforts

October 11, 2016

Last week we came together to prepare for the imminent threat of Hurricane Matthew. The University of Miami's Crisis Decision Team made the appropriate recommendations in ceasing non-essential operations on our campuses and facilities, prioritizing the safety of our students, faculty, and staff. The University was vigilant in its storm preparations, and I was impressed to see how quickly and seamlessly all the required components came together.  Read More >

Joe Natoli Announcement

September 19, 2016

After 10 years of distinguished service, Joe Natoli will be stepping down as Senior Vice President for Business and Finance and Chief Financial Officer. He will continue in his role until the first quarter of 2017 and assist with the search for his successor. Afterward, he will continue to advise the University in a consulting capacity.  Read More >

First-year reflections

August 16, 2016

One year ago today, I arrived at the University of Miami as its new president. As I said then, I felt somewhat like a first-year student: excited about the remarkable university I was now a part of, a bit daunted about how much I had to learn, and eager to get underway and make a difference in my new community.  Read More >

In Solidarity with Orlando

June 15, 2016

The horrific shooting in Orlando this weekend hits very close to home—not only because it happened in our own state of Florida but also because it is a violation of the values that define us as a community dedicated to transforming lives.  Read More >

Roadmap to Our New Century

June 6, 2016

In my inaugural address I outlined areas in which the University of Miami could foster transformation, connection, and reinvention as an institution. These opportunities were defined in part by listening to members of our community during the many inspiring conversations we had last fall.  Read More >

Be Prepared for Hurricane Season

May 31, 2016

Once again it's that time of year when our resilience is ready to be tested. Tomorrow, June 1, marks the start of the Atlantic hurricane season—and as a community that self-identifies as Hurricanes, we always keep preparedness top of mind.  Read More >

Statement on UM Gender Policies

May 27, 2016

The University of Miami is proud of our diverse community, and we value the many contributions of our students, faculty, and staff in helping to create a culture of belonging. In keeping with our policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression, the University allows and welcomes individuals to use restrooms and live in housing that corresponds to their gender identity.  Read More >

View UM's Climate Change Special Report

April 20, 2016

As we prepare to celebrate Earth Day this Friday, I want to share with you a Climate Change Special Report developed by University Communications. This comprehensive, interactive website showcases the work of our scientists, researchers, faculty, students, staff, and alumni in the areas of climate change and sustainability.  Read More >

Happy Birthday to U: Celebrating Founders' Day

April 8, 2016

By signing their names to the charter officially incorporating the University of Miami on April 8, 1925, our founders, a provisional board of 15 regents, proclaimed an unshakable confidence in the monumental dream of the University of Miami.  Read More >

Edward T. Foote II, UM's Fourth President, Passes Away

February 15, 2016

I am saddened to share that Edward T. Foote II, the fourth president of the University of Miami, passed away on February 15. Our community has lost a great civic and academic leader who not only led the positive transformation of our University, but also served as a voice of enlightened engagement for South Florida during especially challenging times.  Read More >

Follow Up to Inauguration: Implementing the Roadmap to Our New Century

February 1, 2016

We have successfully completed an extraordinary week of events marking my inauguration as the sixth president of the University of Miami. (A video of the week's activities can be found here.) I am deeply grateful to each and every one of you for your participation in those events and for your daily commitment to our University. Read More >

A Message on LGBTQ Task Force Update

December 7, 2015

At my Town Hall meeting three months ago and in subsequent conversations during my 100-day listening exercise, it has become abundantly clear that for our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) students, inclusivity is an extremely important priority in building a sense of belonging for all. By engaging in thoughtful dialogue and taking concrete actions, our University is making progress on this front—but there is still more to do. Read More >

A Message on Presidential Task Force for Addressing Black Students’ Concerns

December 3, 2015

Our University can be proud of the diversity of its student body as well as our ongoing efforts to promote a climate of inclusion, but as I noted in my letter of November 12, we must do more to build a culture of belonging—a place where everyone, regardless of their race or ethnicity, feels safe, valued, and respected. Read More >

Announcing New Senior Vice President and UHealth CEO

November 24, 2015

Today I am delighted to announce the appointment of Steven Altschuler, M.D., as the new CEO of UHealth and senior vice president for health affairs of the University of Miami. Dr. Altschuler is an eminently recognized and respected physician and health care administrator who served as president and CEO of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and The Children’s Hospital Foundation for the past 15 years. Read More >

A Real Sense of Belonging

November 12, 2015

Each of us has a responsibility to confront injustice and discrimination that threaten to divide and diminish us. As we look at events related to racial relations and freedom of speech taking place at the University of Missouri and across the nation, this is a perfect moment to appraise our own resolve to challenge injustice and discrimination in our community. Read More >

Football Victory at Duke

November 6, 2015

As one of the newest members of the U family, I was deeply touched by the passionate and hard-won victory of our team against Duke University last Saturday in North Carolina. This is a team that in recent days experienced great adversity. Read More >

Listening Exercise Letter

September 30, 2015

At UM, each of us contributes our precious time, talents, and energy to ensure the continued success of our institution. The listening exercise during my first 100 days as president is an opportunity to hear from our faculty, students, and staff. Read More >

Listening Exercise Letter

September 15, 2015

Over the next 100 days I want to hear your ideas, your dreams, and your concerns, so we can begin a constructive and forward-looking dialogue on the attributes of the University of Miami of 2025. Read More >

First Day Letter

August 16, 2015

Today I begin my tenure as president of the University of Miami. My arrival coincides with the start of a new academic cycle. Read More >

