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October 20, 2016

Dear Faculty and Staff,

You are at the core of the University of Miami's success. Your hard work, expertise, and dedication help make a life-changing difference to our students, patients, and the community. More importantly, you are also committed to continuous improvement to ensure we excel in our mission of transforming lives through teaching, research, and service. Understanding how we can come together to make a difference is essential, and this is why we have partnered with Gallup, an independent research-based consulting company, to conduct a confidential faculty and staff engagement survey that will launch on October 31.

Measuring engagement is an important part of fostering a culture of belonging. The survey you will receive in the coming weeks is intentionally brief and is designed to shed light on our current work environment—what is working and what needs to improve. While we know that many factors can influence your UM experience, the survey focuses on items aimed at measuring the individual needs of each member of our faculty and staff and the degree to which we are providing clarity, support, encouragement, and development opportunities for all.

Engaged teams know that they make a difference, that their voices are heard, and that they are adding value. When we are engaged, we are more positive and productive and are also healthier, less stressed, and more resilient.

Your participation in the survey is critical to this effort. Your voice needs to be heard both within your team and throughout the organization to help us transform our University from the inside out.

Thank you for your commitment to the University of Miami's success. Remember, it takes all of us to create a culture of belonging and respect.

Warm regards,